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Президент Приднестровья

Pridnestrovie Foreign Minister will sign new deals only if Moldova will keep them

If Moldova can't keep its earlier signed agreement then there is no point in signing any new ones. That is the opinion of Pridnestrovie's Foreign Minister,…


OSCE-head in Tiraspol for talks with Transdniestria"s President, Foreign Minister

OSCE chairman-in-office Ilkka Kanerva visited Transdniestria on Thursday for official talks with the unrecognized country's government. In Tiraspol, he met with President Igor Smirnov, Foreign Minister…


Президент Приднестровья

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Priority attention to the support of special categories of people (retired, disabled, widows, orphans, people on very low income) and problems of public health.

The first cause of the formation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic was assertion of the human right to life.

To live in this land pridnestrovians struggled against coming nationalism, proclaimed their own state (the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic) and went through the hard years of trial, blockades and aggression of the Republic of Moldova.
Despite all difficulties our Republic celebrated its 13-th anniversary on September 2.
The state-controlled and socially-oriented market economy is the ultimate aim of the economic development for pridnestrovians.

It can’t be otherwise, because it’s impossible to keep the harmony between the economic growth, social stability and development of an individual not taking into account a human factor.
The implementation of social and economic programmes, pursuing a policy of market reforms become unreal without an active support of citizens, first of all, veterans, invalids, families of perished defenders of PMR, orphans, etc.
A series of statutes aimed at supporting special categories of people were adopted in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Both legislative and executive bodies pay much attention to their problems.
The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic – Smirnov I.N. – pays special attention to the problem all the time. He always emphasises that the society must render assistance to veterans, disabled, children and the youth. Igor Smirnov wrote in his book: “Social welfare of our pensioners and veterans is a special and sore subject. I’d like them to be well provided, because they really deserved it having toiled hard for the sake of the common weal for many years. But unfortunately, in the meanwhile we can only keep privileged payments for public utilities and medicines, free tickets. Pensions are paid in time, but increase in prices outstrips growth in pensions…”
Smirnov I.N. tries to settle the most acute problems, because we have no opportunity of financing special programmes under hard economic conditions (created artificially by the government of the Republic of Moldova hoping to cause “the revolt of malcontents” in Pridnestrovie). The President’s position is immutable: “hot” social problems must be solved.
The minimum amount of the pension in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is higher than in the Republic of Moldova (10, 53 $ against 9, 77) as well as an average pension (18, 73 $ in PMR against 11, 55 in Moldova).
The extraordinary maternity grant in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is higher than in Moldova (32, 08 $ against 30, 13 $). Besides, pregnant women registered in hospitals are paid extraordinary grants (2, 67 $). There is no such grant in the Republic of Moldova.
Social security is the responsibility of the Ministry of national health and social security. The Ministry is engaged in rendering and improving social service to population; a number of draft laws and statutes have been worked out.
Two disabled defenders of PMR were given cars, 4 invalids were provided with wheelchairs in 2002. The production of wheelchairs was started in Bendery. So the Ministry of national health and social security concluded contracts on bulk delivery in 2003.
Invalids were also provided with prostheses and other orthopaedic appliances. 112 prostheses, 1 734 pairs of orthopaedic shoes, over 90 orthopaedic appliances were made and given (the total sum – 370 305 roubles).
The Ministry also provides special categories of population with places in sanatoriums and rest homes. In 2002 825 places were provided.
In 2002 the social security institutions received 156 persons to support them. 656 people live in psychoneurotic boarding houses; 1 750 306 roubles were spent for them in 2002.
Special social security departments at local administrations visit over 2 500 pensioners and disabled and render them assistance.
International days of old people, invalids, the deaf and blind were held.
Former prisoners of concentration camps are regularly given money by Germany.
Rehabilitation measures are taken by means of sports activity and healthy life style. Over 30 sports competitions were held among invalids. Some of them are trained to take part in the Para Olympic Games in Greece in 2004. Besides, 4 invalid sportsmen became international class sports masters.
Lately social security policy has been reoriented to families with children. Monthly benefit for children is paid to families with many children, single parents, widows and invalids having children.
Last year pensions and benefits were paid in time in Tiraspol despite all economic difficulties. According to the information on 1 January, 2003 36 302 people are given pensions, benefits and compensation (1/3 of adults).
In 2002 78, 7 million roubles were received by the Republican pension fund; 53, 8 million roubles were paid to pensioners. In the first quarter of this year 21 million roubles were received; 13, 2 million roubles were spent for pensions. So the current situation is rather stable.
The implementation of the state policy of privileged payments for services is directed to providing social welfare.
In 2002 45 636 Tiraspol dwellers were given privileges on public utility payments; 30 700 people were given free tickets for public transport.
According to the Law of PMR “On social security of persons suffered from Chernobyl disaster” 15, 400 roubles were spent for brining into healthy state children of persons participated in liquidation of Chernobyl disaster and for benefits for 63 liquidators.
According to the President’s Edict №283 on 04.18.2002 153 invalids of PMR and families of perished PMR defenders were rendered material assistance (sum total – 7 650 roubles from the Budget; 10 000 roubles at the expense of the local administration).
In 2002 veterans and children were given places in sanatoriums “Dniester”, “Tirotex” and “Vita”, children’s health camps “Dnestrovian garden”, “Dnestrovian dawns” and “Victoria”.
According to the Law of PMR “On public benefits to citizens having children” the department of the family, maternity and childhood was established in the Tiraspol Social Security Board at the local administration. On January, 2003 2 453 children were registered; 594 700 roubles were paid as benefits for children.
414 single and disabled persons are rendered assistance at home.
Provision of old people with medicines, food, places in sanatoriums and housing problems are the most acute nowadays. It’s planned to discuss these problems at the Conference of the local administration of Tiraspol and the Ministry of national health of PMR “On public health service in the town”; to open the department for Great Patriotic War invalids at Business house “Tiraspol” where they will buy goods at lower prices; to render assistance in repairing dwellings of families of perished PMR defenders that are in great need. Participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War can go by fixed-route taxis free of charge since this year.
Charity activity of enterprises, organizations of the town and different humanitarian funds is of great importance for social security and support of people.Over 900 persons were given food free of charge during at least a month in 2002.
The town fund “Charity” rendered financial assistance to 2 094 needy persons; the Town Union of invalids – to over 1 500 persons; the Association of families with disabled children – to over 400 persons, the Children’s Fund “The family to children” – 400 families. Other public organizations rendered assistance mostly owing to charity assistance of enterprises and organizations of Tiraspol.
Nowadays the local administration of Tiraspol is engaged in formation of the United Town Fund aimed at accumulating sponsors’ donations with the intention of purposeful support of special categories of people, talented children, sportsmen, etc.
Over 25 thousand pensioners and 7, 5 thousand invalids live in Bendery. The local administration of Bendery hold mass and individual actions aimed at their social support and security.
380 single pensioners and invalids are rendered social service at home, Red Cross nurses take care of 75 invalids.
Owing to active financial support of state-owned and commercial enterprises cultural and sports actions for pensioners and disabled, celebrations in honour of veterans and outstanding people, charity dinners are organized.
Reserve and charity funds of the local administration are actively used. In the first half of 2003 according to the decision of the Council of Charity Fund 467 Bendery dwellers received financial aid (sum total – 72 500 roubles). It was mostly given for medical treatment, dentures, funerals, settling acute social problems.Besides, 18 000 roubles were given to veterans of the Great Patriotic War; 9 500 roubles – to families of PMR war victims.
On 19-26 April 2003 a volunteer action of the youth “The spring week of good” aimed at attracting attention of the public to problems of invalids, pensioners and children. In the course of the action volunteer detachments supplied over 250 invalids and pensioners with food, detergents, bedding, etc. They cut bed-ridden invalids’ hair and helped them to solve other everyday problems. Over 9 000 pupils took part in the volunteer action. As a result of the action over 6 000 roubles and goods the sum of over 17 500 roubles were given to needy people. But participation and real help of the youth to the old is the main result of the action.
Much attention is paid to social support of families with children. There are over 800 families having many children, 350 single parents in the town. 430 disabled children and 239 orphans are also in need of support. Entertaining and charity actions (celebrations, matinees, contests, performances) are arranged for such children.
In 2003 over 5 000 children were given New Year and Xmas presents. 29 500 roubles were spent. There are two health camps in the town – “Lyre” and “Youth”. In 2003 365 children were given places in health camps at lower prices; 120 children from families of perished PMR defenders were given free places. 215 children from low-income families had rest in the health camp “Nistru” (Dubossary), 95 children – in health camps “Dnestrovian dawns”, “Forest glade”, “Prometey” and “Sunrise”.
In the course of international programme “Winter call” of the Red Cross and Association “Charity” 375 needy persons had free dinners. 397 needy persons received clothes and foodstuffs. Children from the boarding-school are supported by the Catholic mission “Karitas Moldova”. The programme of children’s nourishment at schools and kindergartens financed by the International partnership on Humanitarian development at the Department of agriculture of the USA is successfully implemented.
The Centre of medical and psychological aid to the family “Landysh” (“Lily of the valley”) financed by Swiss Board on problems of Development and Cooperation is functioning at the town association “Charity”. Disabled children and their parents are rendered psychological, medical and legal aid; they also have an opportunity of creative development and learning computer.
Computer class (32 computers) was equipped with the help of the Fund of social investments and Social Fund of development of the Japanese government. Over 120 000 roubles were spent for the equipment.
The charity Centre “Hesed-Iosif” took an active part in social support of Bendery dwellers. It has a social service and a club. Free dinners for 60 persons are arranged every day. Foodstuffs are given to 480 persons every month. Besides, people under wardship of the Centre are provided with free health and hairdresser’s service.
Over 1 500 invalids – members of the Town Association of invalids – received humanitarian aid in the first half of 2003. The Bendery association of the blind took an active part in social support of invalids. It arranges sports events, creative work and production.
Thus, the total amount of money spent for social support was 122 000 roubles. It’s rather important that acute problems are settled by both the state and public organizations. In January, 2002 the department on problems of family, maternity and childhood was established at the Social Security Board in Kamenka. The department is engaged in fixing and paying benefits for children from low-income families. 112 800 roubles were spent for children in the first quarter of 2003.
Besides, parents are paid an extraordinary benefit: 100 roubles for a child born in their family. Every year the local administration of Kamenka allots money for buying gas and firewood for invalids and participants of the Great Patriotic War. 2 150 kg of flour were bought for supplying liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster.
 11 670 persons are registered at the Social Security Board of Dubossary; 10 634 of them are pensioners. The total amount of pensions paid in time every month is 1 360 000 roubles. 746 benefits for children from low-income families (1333 children) are paid. 238 510 roubles from the Republican budget were spent for benefits, including birth benefits. 110 000 roubles were paid to liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster.
In 2002 people were given 75 places in sanatoriums, including the collective of the choir. Children of liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster and PMR defenders had a rest in health camps during their summer holidays. In May, 2003 summer health grounds based on municipal kindergartens were open according to the resolution of the local administration. They are intended to children from low-income families. Children can have breakfast, dinner and supper free of charge there. The Social Security Board of Rybnitsa rendered financial assistance to invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War (2800 roubles – in 2002, 38 100 roubles - in 2003). It spent 312 800 roubles for benefits for children from low-income families in 2002; 219 300 roubles – in 2003. The Board gave 68 free places to medical and diagnostic centres “Vita” and “Tirotex” and a sanatorium “Dniester” (Kamenka) in 2002; 56 places – in 2003.
390 persons are rendered assistance at home.  2 (in 2002) and 6 (in 2003) wheelchairs were given to invalids. Low-income people were paid 4 400 roubles (in 2002); 700 roubles (in 2003). 42 persons live in the boarding-house. They are kept by the state. Every year orphans have a rest in health camps. In 2002 forty children from the boarding-house (village Popeny) went to the sea (Odessa), five pupils visited the Crimea thanks to the charity action of the joint-stock company “Tirotex”.  There are 11 887 persons who receive pensions or benefits in Grigoriopol district. 8 159 persons are old age pensioners. 1125 pensioners keep on working. 1 432 000 roubles are spent for pensions annually. Pensions and benefits are paid in time.
In 2002 pensioners were given 67 free places to sanatoriums at the expense of the Social Security Board. They can use public transport free of charge. They are free of land and property taxes, have privileges in payments for public utilities.
The department of social aid at home for single old people and disabled persons was established in Grigoriopol on July 1, 1996. It is engaged in rendering assistance to old people and disabled with the help of workers’ collectives, public organizations and public health service.
53 social workers take care of 253 single old and disabled people. A social worker must take care of 5 old men or disabled, visit them every other day and spare two hours for every person. Social workers pay for public utilities and buy necessary food, goods and medicines, clean flats, cook (at the request). They can work the land and conserve tins, though it’s beyond their duties. Social workers also visit persons under their wardship in hospitals. They help to arrange funerals of single persons.

Old people and invalids are always in the centre of social and economic events of the district. They are active members of 24 public organizations of the district (for instance, the Council of veterans of war, labour and Armed Forces, the Association of invalids, the Association of the blind)

Local authorities, economic entities and enterprises, public organizations give presents, money, and foodstuffs on all public holidays, especially on 1October – Old People Day. 
There are 1 482 mothers having many children who receive pension (total sum of 173 710 roubles) every month.
67 disabled mothers also receive pensions (7 748 roubles). 12 orphans are supported by the state and given monthly pension (total sum of 1 350 roubles). Special attention is paid to children from bad families. A special group for such children started functioning at the kindergarten in August, 2000. In 1989 an orphan home of a family type was established on the initiative of the Krasnikovs in Grigoriopol. It is still the only establishment of such type in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. They have brought up over twenty children for 14 years. Nowadays Natella Aleksandrovna has 16 grandchildren. In October 2002 the Krasnikovs visited Moscow by invitation of the Russian children’s fund. Natella Aleksandrovna was awarded the Order “Charity”. Over 40 000 roubles are given to the Krasnikovs’ establishment every year.
Every year on New Year and Xmas day the President’s party is held for disabled and orphan children, for children of perished PMR defenders in all towns and districts of PMR. Father Frost gives President’s presents to children. Nowadays there are a lot of problems in the national health system.
In September, 2000 the President confirmed “The programme of development of public health and medicine in PMR”. Nowadays the government tries to improve the quality of health service. The plan of organization of medical aid to the population of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and of its following improvement was confirmed at the sitting of the Board of the Ministry of Health. In 2001 the reorganization of public health institutions was continued: the number of beds was reduced; the quality of urgent and systematic medical aid was improved.
The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic – Smirnov I.N. – emphasizes: “We aren’t so rich to use a hospital bed during the year. The public health service mustn’t be financed according to the number of doctors, but according to the number of patients.”
Two mental hospitals in villages Vyhvatintsy and Katerinovka merged into the Republican mental hospital with 300 beds and better conditions. The forensic medicine department was also open with a view to make an examination of felons. A number of acts on forensic medicine have been drawn up.
The department of neurology has been organized in the hospital of invalids of the Great Patriotic War with the intention to cure patients of bad blood circulation, to reduce a number of deaths, to provide timely hospitalization of patients, etc. A specialized neurological ambulance service has also been established.
Two cardiology departments of the Republican hospital merged into the department for patients with high-blood pressure; a specialized medical service for such patients was also organized in the clinic. Some legal acts on regulation of pulmonary service have been worked up with a view to improve standards of living of chronic invalids and to prevent pulmonary diseases. The reorganization of the Republican children’s hospital made it possible to cure children of urinary infections. In 2002 32 children were operated on.
The Slobodzeia central district hospital was also reorganized to proved more qualified and specialized medical treatment. The rural hospital of the village of Kitskany, surgeries of villages Sukleia and Ternovka are now subordinate to the Republican hospital (in Tiraspol); the rural hospital of the village of Parkany and medical aid station of the village of Mereneshty are now subordinate to the Central hospital (in Bendery). New standards of diagnostics and treatment are being introduced nowadays with a view to improve health service and regulate the functioning of health institutions. The list of free dental services was confirmed for there is a state programme of free health services. The Regulations “On expenditure of the State Fund of social insurance” and “On the allotment of means of the State social insurance fund to the partial compensation of the cost of operations and treatment in sanatoriums of workers and their relatives” confirmed by the President in June, 2002 were of great importance for the improvement of health service.
The Ministry of Health has drawn up a number of acts on rehabilitation of citizens and their children in health institutions and put them into force. In 2002 4 730 persons were cured in sanatoriums and dispensaries at the expense of the State Fund of social insurance (4 337 985 roubles were spent).
It’s necessary to buy expensive medical equipment for the improvement of the quality of health services. Nowadays there is a lack of equipment in health institutions. There is a great need of extra money, that’s why a lot of health services are fee-paying. The Republican hospital bought some diagnostics and dental equipment; the Republican maternity home and other health institutions bought some expensive equipment at the expense of fee-paying services. Money allotted by the President for buying three ambulances and seven apparatus of supersonic diagnostics became an invaluable support for the National Health Service. The Republican children’s hospital was given medical equipment by the European children’s fund and the Bank “Ipotechny”.
Much attention is paid to the further training of specialists. Six republican seminars were held with the participation of professors and lecturers from higher medical educational institutions of the republic and foreign countries, representatives of foreign pharmaceutical companies.
In 2002 63 students graduated from the medical faculty of the Pridnestrovian State University and 175 medical college-leavers were employed. It’s rather important that the medical staff are trained in the Republic. Then doctors improve their skill outside the Republic. In 2002 268 doctors attended a further training course.

It’s rather difficult to provide the population with medicines. The drugs included in the List of drugs of vital importance are free for those patients who are in hospital. The government of the republic does its best to provide people with medicines.
Some drugs are bought at the expense of the Republican budget, and then delivered to health establishments. Patients suffered from diabetes, psycho neurological diseases, asthma, cancer are given drugs free of charge. It’s necessary to control prices of drugs and pharmaceutical companies and shops, to provide special categories of people with drugs.
The Commission on reconsideration of the List of drugs of vital importance and the List of drugs for special categories of people was established. A new system of preferences has been introduced in social chemist’s shops.
Skilful and experienced pharmacologists do their best to provide people with high-quality medicines. The Centre on control over drugs was established with a view to prevent selling counterfeit drugs in Pridnestrovie. The medicines used by the pridnestrovians must be efficacious, safe and affordable.  The Programme on development of public health service is being implemented steadily.