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Pridnestrovie Foreign Minister will sign new deals only if Moldova will keep them

If Moldova can't keep its earlier signed agreement then there is no point in signing any new ones. That is the opinion of Pridnestrovie's Foreign Minister,…


OSCE-head in Tiraspol for talks with Transdniestria"s President, Foreign Minister

OSCE chairman-in-office Ilkka Kanerva visited Transdniestria on Thursday for official talks with the unrecognized country's government. In Tiraspol, he met with President Igor Smirnov, Foreign Minister…


Президент Приднестровья

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Light of knowledge, light of culture

Despite economic difficulties and unsettlement of some problems, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, as a state, has tried to do its best for intellectual development of its citizens for 13 years.
In the book by Smirnov I.N. there are such words: “…That is the psychology of a person: however hard life is, he strives for light and purity, seeing the ray of hope in the darkness. That is man – God’s creation; but those who try to disparage him to animals and consider him to be unthinking consumer of material benefits; those who tries to reveal and cal for his animal instincts, they sin against God’s commandments.
Man wouldn’t be man if he didn’t strive after knowledge and the beauty.”
First of all, our state tried to settle problems of spiritual development of an individual. Smirnov I.N. wrote then: “Is it strange? No, it’s natural! It can be explained if you remember that the pridnestrovian people stood up for their lives in 1989 and later.
There were hesitating persons: “There is no need to spend money for art exhibitions, arts festivals or sports competitions… Is it necessary for anybody?..”
It’s necessary! People need intellectual food!
Let’s remember Leningrad under blockade; its dwellers half-dead of hunger, living skeletons dragged to the concerts of the Symphony Orchestra…
Let’s remember hard days of the Great Patriotic war when armed soldiers were watching performances of the concert brigades…
Let’s, after all, remember how our distant ancestors gave all they had to restore churches after the Tartars and Mongols invasion; they were crying while listening to the sound of restored bells…
A man lives till his soul is alive; it can’t be forgotten…”
The President’s credo is in these lines.
Long- term priorities of his policy: development of education, culture and science are enumerated in his election programme of 2001.
In 2000 almost 25% of budgetary means were spent for education. But the blockade on the part of the Republic of Moldova led to the reduction in financing all long-term programmes.
In 2002 only 9, 98% of budgetary means were allotted for education; in 2003 – only 10, 4%.
Is it enough? Of course, it isn’t enough. But the Pridnestrovian authorities do their best to support the intellectual sphere despite the economy effort. The Ministry of Education, local authorities, local boards of education and culture and all the people engaged in national education and culture play a vital part in it.
If we try to analyze all that has been done for 13 years in the field of education, we’ll get such results as the development of the system of continuing education – from the kindergarten to the university; introduction of common educational standards, close relationship with Russia and the Ukraine in the field of education, implementation of the law on three official languages through opening new Moldavian and Ukrainian schools, computerization of educational institutions; conversion of the Pridnestrovian State University into the large scientific and research centre.
Here are some facts on computerization of education. Since 1999 23 computer classes, including 8 classes sponsored by the President’s Fund have been established.
In 2001 computer classes sponsored by the President’s Fund were established in the secondary school of the village of Ulma, Rybnitsa district; the secondary school №5 in the town of Dubossary; the secondary school of the village of Malaeshty, Grigoriopol district; the secondary school №1 in the village of Parkany, Slobodzeia district and the Pridnestrovian State University; in 2002 – secondary school №9 in Tiraspol; secondary school in the village of Teia, Grigoriopol district; in 2003 – Humanitarian and mathematic high school in Tiraspol.
15 computer classes were organized at the expense of local budgets and sponsors on the initiative of local authorities.
It’s impossible to touch upon all the problems of education. So we’ll dwell on one of them.
Our Republic is proud of the State University.
It was founded on September 21, 1990 according to the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of PMSSR with a view to train specialists for all branches of our economy. At first there were 4 faculties at the university: of history and law, physics and technology, economics, agriculture and ecology.
On January 11, 1991 the Association of the local Soviets of people’s deputies of Pridnestrovie became the promoter of the University, so its status and name were changed into the Tiraspol State Corporative University of the Pridnestrovian region.
A new faculty of medicine and arts section at the historical faculty were open. The University was headed by Doctor in Law, Professor Yakovlev V.N.
On June 25, 1992 the Pridnestrovian State Corporative University named after Shevchenko T.G. was established as a result of the merger of two higher educational institutions (Tiraspol pedagogical institute and Tiraspol State Corporative University of the Pridnestrovian region). In June, 1997 the University was renamed into the Pridnestrovian State University named after Shevchenko T.G. (PSU)
The local Administration of Tiraspol and the All-Russia Fund of education at the State Duma of the Russian Federation are the founders of the Pridnestrovian State University.
In June, 1996 Beril S.I. (a scientist, Doctor in Physics & Mathematics, a professor, and a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences) was elected rector of PSU at the meeting of the Academic Council.
Nowadays the University functions according to the Russian educational plans and standards. Its diplomas are valid within the territory of Russia.
Since 1999 the graduators are given diplomas of a new design.
There are 79 chambers, 12 main faculties, a scientific and research department, 28 scientific and research laboratories, a computing centre, an agro biological station, the centre of preparatory training, a faculty of social professions, a centre of culture for the youth “Sputnik”, a sports club “Record” in the University. There are over 850 000 books in the scientific library of the University. There are also four museums and an observatory here.
Nowadays the total number of students studying at the University is 10 107. Young people came here from Moldova, the Ukraine, Russia and other foreign countries. They are taught in three languages: Moldavian, Ukrainian and Russian.
The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic has no legal status. It has a great influence on the status of the University. On the one hand, the University is isolated from the world; on the other hand, it has to collaborate with other states, because students of different nationalities from different countries study there.
Russia keeps ties with our University. So it was involved in the common Russian educational zone. The University is headed for Russian educational plans and standards. Scientific degrees and titles are given to teachers of PSU by the High Examination Board at the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. PSU diplomas are equivalent to Russian diplomas.
The Ukraine and Byelorussia are ready to assist their compatriots. The representatives of our University defend their theses in these states; students and post-graduate students study there.
Our university collaborates with higher educational institutions of Russia, the Ukraine and Byelorussia – Moscow State University named after Lomonosov M.V., Byelorussian State University named after Skorina F., Kiev State University named after Shevchenko T.G., Moscow State Engineering University named after Bauman N.E., etc.
Then agreements on cooperation were concluded with Odessa State University named after Mechnikov I., the Institute of Applied Optics of the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences, Vinnitsa State Pedagogical and Medical Universities, Moscow State Pedagogical and Economic Universities, the Russian Academy of Agriculture named after Timiryazev, Medical Academy named after Sechinov, Odessa National University, Kiev national University, Shandun Scientific and Engineering University (China), Sofia University (Bulgaria), etc. Forty five agreements with higher educational institutions of different countries have been made.
In 2003 5 important agreements on collaboration were concluded with the Russian Trading and Economic University, Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russian University of Friendship of Nations and Financial Academy at the Government of the Russian Federation. Conferences are arranged; some our lecturers and research assistants visit foreign institutes and universities; delegations and scientific groups exchange information. It’s been planned to implement some programmes even the establishment of joint scientific & research laboratories.
In 1999 the Pridnestrovian State University joined the Eurasian Association of state universities of CIS countries.
Moscow State University named after Lomonosov M.V. is the main partner of our university. In May, 1999 a scientific & methodological center of MSU and PSU started functioning. It has the function of coordination of the activity on post-graduate staff training, it also send the most talented student to study at MSU. The center has the function of making international contacts and relations of the university.
It was decided to establish specialized boards on defending theses under the supervision of the High Examination Board of the Russian Federation.
The establishment of the Pridnestrovian filiations of the Russian Academy of Natural sciences, of the Russian Academy of education and the International Slavic Academy named after Kamensky Y. A. was of great importance.
The collaboration of the Pridnestrovian State University to leading higher educational institutions of CIS countries under the aegis of RANS (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences) led to the close creative integration of chambers and scientific laboratories of PSU into Russian educational zone, the establishment of joint scientific units and cooperation with Russian scientists. The active participation of the Pridnestrovian State University in the First international conference of Universities of CIS and Baltic states “Universities and society” was rather symbolic.
In 1999 the agreement on collaboration with the Center of Testing school leavers of the Russian Federation was concluded. Tests are used at entrance, preliminary and school exams.
The university staff are highly qualified: 32 Doctors in science, 174 Masters in science, 180 senior lecturers.
For the last three years 2 theses for degree of Doctor and 10 theses for degree of Master have been defended; 5 persons have been given the title of Professor; 23 persons – the title of an exemplary educator of PMR; 10 persons – the title of a distinguished educator of PMR; 15 persons became laureates of the State bonus; 11 persons became Academicians of Academies of Sciences of CIS and other foreign countries.
The University adopted a strategy of developing science based on the integration into the educational zone of Russia and then – into the world educational and scientific community.
The international recognition of scientific researches of physicists – Beril S.I., Pokatilov E.P., Fomin V.F. was a great achievement for our university. Their discovery was registered; they were given certificates for the discovery in the field of theoretical physics by the International Association of authors of scientific discoveries.
The research laboratory “Polyaron” outstripped all other laboratories in number of publications. Such laboratories as “Technological equipment”, “Physiology of stress and adaptation”, “Progress in science & technology” have the best showing.
Physicists of a chamber of non-linear optics & radio physics occupy a leading position in researches. Surgeons of PSU have the best showing in inventions owing to the active creative work of the professor Yanov V.N.
Despite hard economic conditions the young men take an active part in scientific researches. Over 200 post-graduate students are trained in the University under the supervision of 25 Doctors, Professors and Masters. Most of them were invited from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Odessa, Kishinev, etc.
In 1999 a research design office “Computer technologies” was open. It is aimed at carrying out applied researches, experimental design for informatization of the University and updating of its material base.
In February, 1992 the drafting-publishing department (under the supervision of Matveichuk E.A.) was organized in Pridnestrovian State Corporative University (PSCU). A lot of scientific literature: educational and methodological supplies, monographs, reference books, conference materials, etc. In July, 1993 the drafting-publishing department issued the scientific journal “Bulletin of the Pridnestrovian University” consisting of three sections: Humanities, Natural Sciences, Exact and Engineering Sciences. It is known not only in Pridnestrovie but outside it.
The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic – Smirnov Igor Nikolaevich – pays much attention to the development of science in our republic. As Doctor in Economics, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Professor of the Pridnestrovian State University he always gives reports at scientific conferences of our University.
In November, 2001 Smirnov I.N. gave a report “Stabilization of relations between Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova” at the international scientific conference “Pridnestrovie in geopolitical system of the 21-th century”. In October, 2002 he made a report “The Presidential institution as a basis of stable development of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic” at the international conference “Quality of life & stable development”.
He also made speeches of welcome to participants of international conferences: “Ancient communities of farmers and cattle-breeders of Northern Black sea regions” (November, 2002) and “The Pridnestrovian Statehood and the international experience in federalism” (April, 2003).
The President has regular meetings with the University staff and students. Stable functioning of the University was provided owing to the President’s constant attention and settlement of problems of education and science.
Let’s see what has been done this year. 1 492 specialists graduated from the University (14% of them got excellent marks). It’s very important, because our Republic is in great need of skillful workers.
According to the goal set by the President a filiation of the Pridnestrovian State University was established in Bender where specialists in the field of industrial and civil construction are trained.
Some measures aimed at improving Rybnitsa filiation of the Pridnestrovian State University have been taken.
The law and medical faculties have been given the status of double subordination to provide more efficient training.
The University got over 6 million roubles for fee-paying education, so it replenished the state budget of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. It also made a great contribution into the science of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (33 research subjects were registered in the Republican agency of intellectual property).
The International Slavic University was open on the base of the Pridnestrovian State University according to the President’s resolution.
Our University has overcome the isolation. The Centre of French culture equipped with computers, audio & video technical devices, modern literature was open in the University.
The administration and the department of international contacts try to establish relationship to other states.
Filiations of the Moscow Academy of management and law, Odessa Academy of Law and others are functioning in our Republic. Their researches are of great importance.
The High Consultative Council in science & techniques is functioning in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic at the Public Board of science & techniques headed by the rector of PSU – Beril S.I.
It’s time to ask a question: is it possible to get the international recognition of our state by means of its achievements in the field of science & education?.. The functioning of the Pridnestrovian State University proves that it’s rather possible.
The opportunity of receiving higher education in our republic is rather important for the youth.
It inspires us as well as old and new amateur ensembles, museums, libraries, picture galleries, palaces of culture, sports schools, arts schools, etc.
The Republic has a rich culture. The annual festival “Mertsishor”, Days of Slavic literature & culture, concerts of new-formed State Symphony Orchestra, State Circus and State Ensemble “Viorika”, renovation of a repertoire of the theatre and layouts of museums and picture galleries show it.
34 museums, 415 libraries, 138 clubs, 857 amateur collectives, 5 professional ensembles, 32 institutions of extra-education are functioning in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
“Light of knowledge, light of culture”… It’s not just abstract words but reality.