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Pridnestrovie Foreign Minister will sign new deals only if Moldova will keep them

If Moldova can't keep its earlier signed agreement then there is no point in signing any new ones. That is the opinion of Pridnestrovie's Foreign Minister,…


OSCE-head in Tiraspol for talks with Transdniestria"s President, Foreign Minister

OSCE chairman-in-office Ilkka Kanerva visited Transdniestria on Thursday for official talks with the unrecognized country's government. In Tiraspol, he met with President Igor Smirnov, Foreign Minister…


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The Ministry of Defence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic was created as a peaceful state, so the question of formation of the armed forces hadn’t arisen. But the Republic had to withstand the aggression since the first days of existence. On November 2, 1990 first blood was shed in Pridnestrovie – the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova took up arms against the unarmed population of the town of Dubossary. The leaders and National Front of Moldova were constantly calling for the use of force against Pridnestrovie. In that situation pridnestrovians had to take measures for their protection – workers’ detachments of assistance to the police, militia and other units were organized.
On September 6, 1991 the Supreme Soviet adopted the resolution “On measures for protection of the sovereignty and independence of the republic”. It led to the formation of the Republican Guards. It was a starting point in the formation of the Armed Forces of the republic.
On December 13, 1991 the armed forces of Moldova attacked Dubossary, so the Republican Guards had to join the battle.
On March 1, 1992 the leaders of Moldova unleashed a five –month war against the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. On June 19, 1992 Moldova launched the bloodiest attack on Bendery. Though outnumbered, guardsmen, militiamen and Cossacks held off the enemy. By the end of June they had forced the enemy out of the city.
On July 1, 1992 the treaty on principles of a peaceful settlement of armed conflict was signed in Moscow. On July 31 hostilities were ceased.
After the end of the war the Supreme Soviet confirmed the Conception of formation and development of the Armed Forces of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (September 3, 1992). The first stage of formation of the Armed Forces had been completed by the end of 1992 – constituent parts of the Ministry of Defence, military formations, units and sub-units had been formed. The Armed Forces started training for action and mobilization from January, 1993. On March 14, 1993 the Armed Forces administered the oath to the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
The Armed Forces of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic inherited neither armament nor war equipment of the USSR, so pridnestrovians had to solve the problem themselves.
The military doctrine of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is headed for defence and is aimed at prevention war, protection of the republic from possible aggression.
Nowadays the Army is a well-coordinated state structure. It includes motor-infantry, artillery, air forces, air defence forces, special forces and militia as the reserve. The Armed Forces are always ready to fulfil all tasks for defence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

The minister of defence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic – Lieutenant-General Hazheev Stanislav Galimovich.

He was born on 12.28.1941 in the settlement of Kashtak, Chelyabinsk region. He studied at the secondary school of Kashtak, then – at the Suvorov military school in Sverdlovsk. In 1963 he graduated from High military school and was sent to serve in the town of Kushka. In 1972 he graduated from the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze. Then he served in Turkistan, Odessa, Zabaikalie and Northern Caucasus. Between 1983 and 1986 he served as a Counsellor of the Head of the headquarters in the Republic of Vietnam.
He has been serving in the Armed Forces of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic since July 1992. In September 1992 he was appointed the Minister of Defence and assigned a military rank of Lieutenant-General. He was also awarded Orders: “The Order of the Republic”, “For personal courage”, “For service to Motherland in the Armed Forces of PMR”, “The Order of Honour”, also six Orders of the USSR, Russia and the Republic of Vietnam. He has a title of “Honoured war specialist of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic”

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