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Президент Приднестровья

Pridnestrovie Foreign Minister will sign new deals only if Moldova will keep them

If Moldova can't keep its earlier signed agreement then there is no point in signing any new ones. That is the opinion of Pridnestrovie's Foreign Minister,…


OSCE-head in Tiraspol for talks with Transdniestria"s President, Foreign Minister

OSCE chairman-in-office Ilkka Kanerva visited Transdniestria on Thursday for official talks with the unrecognized country's government. In Tiraspol, he met with President Igor Smirnov, Foreign Minister…


Президент Приднестровья

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The Ministry of information and telecommunications of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

It provides state control, elaboration and realization of state programs; state policy concerning electric, mail and special communications, the mass media, informatization, exchange of information, computer technologies, publishing and printing activity. It also registers and licenses the abovementioned fields of activity.
The main goal of the ministry is to provide the informative independence and informative security of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The ministry regulates the activity which is aimed to satisfying the requirements of the government, population and enterprises in information and telecommunications.
It also provides operative information, home and foreign news of politics, economics and culture.
It acts as the Administration of communications and information, presents and protects the interests of the republic at the international scene, it also makes international agreements.
The Ministry of information and telecommunications elaborates and introduces the general register of the mass media, printing-houses, publishing-houses, information and advertising agencies. It also registers them.
The ministry accredits the representatives of the foreign mass media within the territory of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Heads of the Ministry of information and telecommunication of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
1. Beliaev Vladimir Mihailovich - the Minister of information and telecommunication. (phone:373 533 55535)
2. Maslikova Tatiana Alekseevna – the deputy minister in economics. ( phone:373 533 52600)
3. Antonova Svetlana Gavrilovna – the deputy minister in the mass media and propaganda. (phone:373 533 52004)
4. Bulahova Svetlana Viktorovna – the deputy minister in finance; the chief accountant. (phone:373 533 5251)

The Minister of information and telecommunication Beliaev Vladimir Mihailovich.


Beliaev Vladimir Nikolaevich.
Vladimir Beliaev is thirty-seven years old; he is the native of Tiraspol. In 1987 he graduated from the electro technical institute of communication named after Popov in Odessa. He gained the qualification of an engineer in automatic electric communication.
Sergey Beliaev was the representative of the Chief Board of telephonic communication of the Ministry of communications of the USSR at the factory “Radon” from September,1987.
He was a regular serviceman. He had served in the Soviet Army for ten years. In 1997 he graduated from the Military Academy of communications in St. Petersburg. He gained the qualification in administrative and military management.
In April, 1999, Sergey Beliaev became the Head of the electric communication department of the Republican Board of communication of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. In December of the same year he was appointed the first deputy chief of that Board. In October, 2000, he became the first deputy minister of information and telecommunication. In January, 2002, he was appointed the Minister of information and telecommunication according to the Decree of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
He is married, he has a daughter.