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Today tuesday, 22 october

Home » Executive power » Local Administration » Kamenka and Kamenka district

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The local administration of the town of Kamenka and Kamenka district

The local administration includes five boards: the board of agriculture, the board of public education, the board of culture, the board of social security, the financial board; and five departments: the land-tenure regulations department, the state property department, the registry office, the archives, the department of social assistance.
There is a town administration in Kamenka and twelve rural administrations: Valya-Adynkskaya, Grushkovskaya, Krasnooktyabryzhaya, Katerinovskaya, Oknitskaya, Kuzminskaya, Podoimskaya, Rashkovskaya, Sloboda Rashkovskaya, Serevinovskaya, Hrustovskaya, Rotarskaya.
The district is situated in the North at the distance of 180 km from the capital – Tiraspol. It borders on Rybnitsa district of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, the Republic of Moldova and the Ukraine.
The area of the district is 434, 5 sq km, the extent is 52 km. The total number of the population is 32 500 people (rural – 19 700, urban – 12 800). The total number of workers is 15 376 people, 9 379 people are engaged in the national economy. There are 9 617 pensioners.
There are 93 settlements in the district, including one town, one district Soviet, one town Soviet and twelve rural Soviets of people’s deputies. Kamenka is the center of the district.
It is an agricultural district. The total area of farming lands is 29 436 hectares, including ploughed lands – 25 270 hectares. As a result of reorganization and reforms 13 agricultural enterprises were established (7 industrial and agricultural cooperative societies, 3 kolkhozes, 2 sovkhozes, a closed joint-stock company and 11 farms).
5 specialized companies, including a repair and maintenance company, a district industrial association “Selhozhimiya”, a grain-acceptance company, an incubator, a poultry farm and a cannery.
There are five industrial enterprises. A share of a municipal state company “Tarant-Service” in overall production is 40 %.
There are three repair and construction companies, 8 service companies, 9 joint-stock companies, 55 limited liability companies and 78 retail companies in the district.
There are 16 secondary schools (3 865 pupils), 11 kindergartens (844 children), 4 institutions of further education (1461 students) in the district.
There are 23 clubs, 17 libraries, memorial museums, 2 art schools for children, a school of the arts for children, a movie and video company here.
The public health system includes the central district hospital, four rural surgeries, 13 medical aid stations and a sanatorium “Dniester”.
16 public organizations, 7 orthodox parishes and 2 catholic parishes are registered in the district.

Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, Kamenka, Lenin Street, 8
Phone: 373 566 22840, 373 566 21536